Central Model School, Barrackpore

Social Activity Club

Under the Social Activity Club of our school, we visited  Bholananda Briddhyashram of Barrackpore on 4 th October last. We met there a number of senior persons who were lonely and sick . At First we met the head of that Biddhyashram, the owner mother and then with the others boarders accompanied with Principal sir, my fellow collogues and students of our school. Our presence amidst them made the senior boarders so lively and happy that they showered their blessing on us. Although they were around 30 in numbers all together, they looked somewhat lonely mentally and some of them were physical sick as well. We had some gift as well with us for them like buckets of fruits and this gesture immediately made them feel at home. To conclude, it was altogether a very humble and noble initiative taken by the honorable Principal sir and management of Central Model School, Barrackpore.

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